MKMSGF !H#[$ ,n2>7 F\N*R Z.]J` eOf4i s$tit z5|P~S~V~Y~\~_~b~e~h~k~n~q~t~w~z~}~ IError: Missing or corrupt message file, SETUP.MSG. IError: Out of memory. IError: Bad argument. Usage: setup [/mono] [/fix] IFatal Error \ @0,2," Microsoft LAN Manager has not been installed on this computer. (That is, it does not appear in the search PATH.) Please install LAN Manager 2.1 or greater before installing Microsoft LAN Manager Remote Access Service. Note: You must restart your computer between installation of LAN Manager and Remote Access. @ Exit \ IFatal Error \ @0,2," The Microsoft LAN Manager Remote Access Service requires LAN Manager 2.1 or greater. Please upgrade your LAN Manager installation before installing Remote Access. @ Exit \ IFatal Error \ @0,2," LAN Manager Basic and a network driver are installed. LAN Manager Basic cannot run both a network driver and the Remote Access driver at the same time. Before running Remote Access Setup, you must first make one of these changes to your LAN Manager configuration: * Remove the LAN Manager network driver. * Install the LAN Manager Enhanced workstation software. @ Exit \ IFatal Error \ @0,2," Remote Access Setup cannot find your C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. If you are running Windows over a network, Setup will not load Remote Access Service. Make sure that Windows is installed on your machine and that the WINDOWS directory contains the SYSTEM subdirectory. @ Exit \ IFatal Error \ @0,2," Unknown error. @ Exit \ IWarning \ @0,2," Remote Access Setup could not find the Protocol Manager - PROTMAN.DOS and PROTMAN.EXE - and is using its own versions of these files. @ OK \ IWarning \ @0,2," Error writing the COMDEV.INI file. @ OK \ IWarning \ @0,2," Error %1 initializing the SETUP.INI file. @ OK \ IWarning \ @0,2," Error %1 reading the SETUP.INI file. @ OK \ I Warning \ @0,2," Error %1 writing the SETUP.INI file. @ OK \ IWarning \ @0,2," Error %1 backing up the CONFIG.SYS file. The file will not be modified. @ OK \ IWarning \ @0,2," Error %1 modifying the CONFIG.SYS file. @ OK \ IWarning \ @0,2," Error %1 backing up the LANMAN.INI file. The file will not be modified. @ OK \ IWarning \ @0,2," Error %1 modifying the LANMAN.INI file. @ OK \ IWarning \ @0,2," Error %1 backing up the PROTOCOL.INI file. The file will not be modified. @ OK \ IWarning \ @0,2," Error %1 modifying the PROTOCOL.INI file. @ OK \ IWarning \ @0,2," Error %1 modifying the RASLOAD.BAT file. @ OK \ IWarning \ @0,2," Error reading the MODEMS.INF file. @ OK \ IWarning \ @0,2," Error reading the COMDEV.INI file. @ OK \ IFatal Error \ @0,2," Error %1 accessing file. @ Exit \ IFatal Error \ @0,2," Error in file format. @ Exit \ IFatal Error \ @0,2," Disk is full. @ Exit \ IFatal Error \ @0,2," Invalid function. @ Exit \ IFatal Error \ @0,2," Error %1 in dialog processing. @ Exit \ IFatal Error \ @0,2," Error accessing the LAN Manager callout file, EXEC.DAT. @ Exit \ IError \ @0,2," The maximum number of Remote Access ports have already been selected. @ OK \ IError \ @0,2," The selected port has already been configured for Remote Access. @ OK \ IError \ @0,2," No port selected. Choose to add one. @ OK \ IError \ @0,2," Remote Access supports ports 1 and 2 on MS-DOS and ports 1 to 99 on OS/2. @ OK \ IWarning \ @0,2," There is a hand-edited raslannets entry in the LANMAN.INI [remoteaccess] section. Please verify that the parameters are still correct after Setup. @ OK \ IWarning \ @0,2," Since you are running Setup from the hard disk, you must manually delete the RAS subdirectory from the LAN Manager directory. @ OK \ IError \ @0,2," The LAN Manager Workstation service is running. To stop it, type NET STOP WORKSTATION at the command line. @ Exit \ IAdd COM Port \ @1,8,"Port Name: COM",0,14,0,2 \ @1,8,"Port Name: COM",0,14,0,1 \ @2,0,"" \ @ OK \ @Cancel \ @ Help \ IRemote Access Configuration \ @1,2," Port Usage Modem", \ 1,0,"",58,9 \ @1,2," Port Modem", \ 1,0,"",58,9 \ @13,0,"" \ @1,2," Port Modem", \ 1,0,"",59,2 \ @7,2," LAN Manager drivers are configured. Planned use is:",1,0," Network adapter or modem, but not both at the same time Network adapter and modem at the same time",57,2 \ @12,0,"" \ @6,0,"" \ @ OK \ @~Add Port... \ @~Remove Port \ @Select ~Modem... \ @Port ~Settings... \ @ ~Exit \ @ Help \ IConfirm \ @0,3," The IRQ associated with the selected port appears to be in use by another device. Are you sure the port is available for use by Remote Access? @ No \ @ Yes \ @ Help \ IConfirm \ @0,3," The selected port appears to be in use by a mouse or other serial device. Are you sure the port exists and is available for use by Remote Access? @ No \ @ Yes \ @ Help \ IConfirm \ @0,3," Cannot detect the selected port. Are you sure the port exists and is available for use by Remote Access? @ No \ @ Yes \ @ Help \ IConfirm \ @0,3," This function removes the Microsoft Remote Access Service and edits your system configuration files to remove Remote Access items. Are you sure you want to remove Remote Access? @ No \ @ Yes \ @ Help \ IConfirm \ @0,3," This function removes the Microsoft Remote Access software and edits your system configuration files to remove Remote Access items. Before choosing to remove Remote Access, ensure that the following are true: 1. You are running Setup from a floppy disk rather than the hard disk. 2. The LAN Manager Workstation service is stopped. Are you sure you want to remove Remote Access? @ No \ @ Yes \ @ Help \ IStatus \ @0,3," Copying Windows Libraries for OS/2... IConfirm Exit \ @0,3," Changes will not be saved. Exit Setup anyway? @ No \ @ Yes \ @ Help \ IRemote Access Service Setup \ @0,3," This program modifies the system files on your computer to run the Microsoft Remote Access Service on the ports and settings you select. @~Configure \ @~Remove \ @ ~Exit \ @ Help \ IRemote Access Service Setup \ @0,3," This program modifies your system files so the Remote Access software configuration is compatible with the new LAN Manager configuration. @ OK \ IRemote Access Service Setup \ @0,3," This program installs the Microsoft Remote Access Service on your computer and configures system files to run Remote Access on serial ports you select. I@5,3,"Components to Install:",1,0," Server and client software, and admin utility Client software and admin utility Client software Admin utility",52,4 \ @12,0,"" \ @5,3,"Components to Install:",1,0," Client software Admin utility Client software and admin utility",52,3 \ @11,0,"" \ @Install \ @ ~Exit \ @ Help \ IStatus \ @0,3," Modifying system files... IWarning \ @0,3," Remote Access cannot operate without configured COM ports. Are you sure you don't want to add a COM port to the Remote Access configuration list? @ No \ @ Yes \ @ Help \ IError \ @0,3," A configuration inconsistency has been detected in your CONFIG.SYS file. There may be a conflict with a previous LAN Manager installation. If the LAN Manager directory shown below is correct, select and the error will be corrected. If not, restart the computer, ignoring any LAN Manager errors that occur, and run Remote Access Setup again. LAN Manager directory: %1 @ Exit \ @Continue \ @ Help \ I%1 Port Settings \ @1,3,"Usage:",1,0," Dial In only Dial Out only Dial In and Out ",20,3 \ @1,3,"Usage:",1,0," Dial In only Dial Out only ",20,2 \ @8,3,"Modem:",1,0,"",22,4 \ @1,3,"Modem:",1,0,"",22,4 \ @15,2,"" \ @8,2,"" \ @ OK \ @Cancel \ @ Help \ IStatus \ @0,3," Reading configuration... IConfirm \ @0,3," Remove installed files before exiting? @ Yes \ @ No \ @ Help \ IConfiguration Complete \ @0,3," Remote Access successfully re-configured. Changes will take effect when you restart your computer. @ OK \ IInstall Complete \ @0,3," Remote Access successfully installed. Changes will take effect when you restart your computer. @ OK \ IRemove Complete \ @0,3," Remote Access has been successfully removed from your system. Changes will take effect when you restart your computer. @ OK \ IConfiguration Complete \ @0,3," Your Remote Access configuration has been successfully updated to be compatible with your new LAN Manager configuration. Changes will take effect when you restart your computer. @ OK \ IDial in IDial out IDial in/out IHayes_Smartmodem_2400 IDefault IHelp \ @0,2," The Microsoft Remote Access Service Setup program installs the Remote Access files on your workstation. - If you are running LAN Manager Basic on your workstation, choose to install the Remote Access client software or to return to the command line. - If you are running LAN Manager Enhanced on your workstation, select one of the following options: (*) Client software This is the default option. Select this option to install the Remote Access client (user) software only. ( ) Admin utility Select this option to install the administrator's utility only. This option should be used by system administrators who want to administer Remote Access domains or servers from a workstation that is not running the Remote Access software. ( ) Client software and admin utility Select this option to install both the client software and the administrator's utility on your workstation. Choose to install the option that you selected, or choose to exit the Setup program and return to the command line. @ OK \ IHelp \ @0,2," The Microsoft Remote Access Service Setup program installs the Remote Access files on your workstation. Your Remote Access installation screen varies according to whether you configured your computer to be a client or server workstation when you ran the LAN Manager Setup program. Note: For information on changing your LAN Manager configuration, refer to your Microsoft LAN Manager documentation, or contact your system administrator. Find your configuration and accompanying installation instructions below: - If you are installing Remote Access on a client workstation, select one of the following options: (*) Client software This is the default option. Select this option to install the Remote Access client (user) software only. ( ) Admin utility Select this option to install the administrator's utility only. This option should be used by system administrators who want administer Remote Access domains or servers from a workstation that is not running the Remote Access software. ( ) Client software and admin utility This option should be used by system administrators who want to run the Remote Access client software and administer Remote Access domains or servers from a non-server workstation. Choose to install the option that you selected, or choose to exit the Setup program and return to the command line. I- If you are installing Remote Access on a server workstation, select one of the following options: (*) Server and client software, and admin utility This is the default option. This option should be used only by system administrators who are setting up a Remote Access server and have configured this computer as a server using the LAN Manager Setup program. ( ) Client software and admin utility This option should be used by system administrators who want to run the Remote Access client software and administer Remote Access domains or servers from a non-server workstation. ( ) Client software Select this option to install the Remote Access client (user) software only. ( ) Admin utility Select this option to install the administrator's utility only. This option should be used by system administrators who want administer Remote Access domains or servers from a workstation that is not running the Remote Access software. Choose to install the option that you selected, or choose to exit the Setup program and return to the command line. @ OK \ IHelp \ @0,2," Remote Access is already installed on your computer. The Microsoft Remote Access Service Setup program allows you to revise your Remote Access configuration or remove the Remote Access software from your workstation. Choose one of the following: - To revise your configuration, choose . If you have a COM port configured for Remote Access, the Configuration box appears on the screen. If you do not have a COM port configured for Remote Access, the Add COM Port box appears on the screen. - To remove the Remote Access files from your system, choose . A confirmation box appears on the screen. - To exit the Setup program without revising your configuration or removing the Remote Access files, choose . This exits the Setup program and returns you to the command line. @ OK \ IHelp \ @0,2," To add a COM port to the Remote Access configuration list, choose in the Configuration dialog box. @ OK \ IHelp \ @0,2," Select to resume Setup where you left off, or to immediately exit the program discarding any system changes you have specified. @ OK \ IHelp \ @0,2," This box allows you to select a COM port to use with Remote Access. Choose one of the following: - To configure Remote Access to work with one of your workstation's COM ports, specify the COM port number and choose . The Setup program adds the COM port to your configuration list. Please note the following: - On MS-DOS workstations, Remote Access supports COM1 and COM2 only. If you are running LAN Manager Basic, you can configure Remote Access to work with COM1 or COM2, but not both. If you are running LAN Manager Enhanced, you can configure Remote Access to run with both COM1 and COM2. - Internal modems are usually set to COM2. - Consult your system administrator or refer to your hardware documentation for help when physically locating your workstation's COM ports. COM ports are also known as serial ports. They are smaller than the parallel ports that usually accommodate printers. - To continue installation without configuring a COM port for Remote Access, choose . The Remote Access Configuration box appears on the screen. @ OK \ IHelp \ @0,2," This box allows you to select a COM port to use with Remote Access. Choose one or more of the following: - To configure Remote Access to work with your workstation's COM ports, specify the COM port number (COM1-COM99), and choose . The Setup program adds the COM port to your configuration list. Please note the following: - Remote Access supports up to 16 ports on OS/2 workstations with multi-port adapters. - Internal modems are usually set to COM2. - To continue installation without configuring a COM port for Remote Access, choose . The Remote Access Configuration box appears on the screen. @ OK \ IHelp \ @0,2," This screen allows you to define the Remote Access configuration for your MS-DOS client workstation. To accept the configuration defaults as indicated on the screen, choose . To change the configuration, choose one or more of the following: - To add an additional COM port, choose and specify the port number (COM1 or COM2). Choose . The new port is added to the list box, along with the default modem type. Note: If you are running LAN Manager Basic, you cannot add an additional COM port. - To change the modem type, choose . A box listing the modems supported by Remote Access appears on the screen. Select your modem type and choose . Note: Refer to Appendix A of the LAN Manager Remote Access Service Administrator's Guide for more information on modems. - To remove a COM port, select the port from the Port/Modem list box and choose . - To exit the Setup program and return to the command line, choose . @ OK \ IHelp \ @0,2," This screen allows you to define the Remote Access configuration for your OS/2 server/client workstation. To accept the configuration defaults as indicated on the screen, choose . To change the configuration, choose one or more of the following: - To add one or more COM ports, choose and specify the port number (COM1-COM99). Choose . The new port is added to the list box, along with the default usage setting and modem type. - To change the usage setting and/or modem type for a particular port, do the following: 1. Select the port and choose . The Port Settings box appears on the screen. 2. From the Usage list box, select the option that describes how you plan to use the port. 3. From the Modem list box, select the type of modem connected to the port. 4. Choose . Note: Refer to Appendix A of the LAN Manager Remote Access Service Administrator's Guide for more information on modems. - To remove a COM port, select the port from the Port/Modem list box and choose . - To exit the Setup program and return to the command line, choose . @ OK \ IHelp \ @0,2," This function uninstalls the active Remote Access on your computer. If you have two LAN Manager directories on your system, the active copy will be removed, even if this program is in the inactive LAN Manager directory. @ OK \ IHelp \ @0,2," This screen allows you to remove Remote Access from your system. 1. Ensure that the following is true: - The LAN Manager Workstation service is stopped. If the Workstation service is still running, exit the Setup program and type NET STOP WORKSTATION at the command line. Then run the Setup program again. - You are running the Setup program from a floppy, not the hard disk. If you remove Remote Access by running Setup from the hard disk, you must manually remove the RAS subdirectory from the LAN Manager directory to complete the removal. 2. To remove the Remote Access files from your system, choose . To return to the Setup box, choose . @ OK \ IHelp \ @0,2," This box lists the modems supported by Remote Access. Choose one of the following: - To configure Remote Access to work with your modem, select your modem type and choose . Note: If you have a modem that is compatible with one of the modems on this list, you can attempt to use the compatible modem. However, not all modems that claim to be compatible are fully compatible. If you experience problems, contact your system administrator. - To return to the Configuration box without selecting a modem, choose . @ OK \ IHelp \ @0,2," This allows you to specify the settings for the port you selected. Choose one or more of the following: - To define the usage setting for your port, select one of the following options from the Usage list box: (*) Dial In only This is the default option. Select this option to reserve this port for incoming calls only. ( ) Dial Out only Select this option to reserve this port for outgoing calls only. ( ) Dial In and Out Select this option to reserve this port for incoming and outgoing calls. This biplex-port capability is available only if the number of Dial In ports totals 15 or less. When port biplexing is in effect, the maximum number of simultaneous outgoing connections I is equal to 16 minus the total number of ports configured as Dial In only and as Dial In and Out. For example, if the total number of Dial In ports is equal to 15, the maximum number of simultaneous outgoing calls allowed at any one time would be 1; if the total is 12, the maximum number would be 4. Note: The Dial In and Out option requires more system resources than the Dial In and Dial Out options above. - To configure Remote Access to run with the modem connected to the port, select your modem type from the Modem list box. If your modem is not on this list, it is not supported by Remote Access and Microsoft makes no claims that it will work. However, you can add it to your MODEMS.INF file and attempt to use it anyway. Refer to Appendix A of the Microsoft LAN Manager Remote Access Service Administrator's Guide for more information. Likewise, if you have a modem that is compatible with one of the modems on this list, you can attempt to use the compatible modem. However, not all modems that claim to be compatible are fully compatible. If you experience problems, contact your system administrator or modem manufacturer. - To return to the Configuration box without changing the port settings, choose . @ OK \ IHelp \ @0,2," Select to remove the Remote Access files just installed before exiting. Select to leave the files installed for later configuration. @ OK \ IHelp \ @0,2," Remote Access cannot detect the port that you selected. Ensure that the port you have chosen exists on your workstation and can be used by Remote Access. Please note the following: - On MS-DOS workstations, Remote Access supports COM1 and COM2 only. - On OS/2 clients and servers, Remote Access may not be able to detect this port because there is no COM port driver loaded. To install a COM port driver, first exit Setup. Then add the COM port driver line to your CONFIG.SYS file. For example: DEVICE=C:\OS2\COMO1.SYS Choose to allow Remote Access to accept the port and add it to the Configuration list. Choose to return to the Add COM Port box. @ OK \ IHelp \ @0,2," Remote Access detects that the COM port you selected is in use. Verify that the selected port is not in use by a mouse or other serial port device. Choose to allow Remote Access to accept the port and add it to the Configuration list. Choose to return to the Add COM Port box. @ OK \ IHelp \ @0,2," Remote Access detects that the IRQ associated with the COM port you selected is in use by a mouse or other device. COM1 uses IRQ 4 (hardware interrupt), and COM2 uses IRQ3. Make sure that you have not assigned IRQ3 to your network adapter card. If you are using COM2, select an IRQ level for your card that is not in use by DMA (direct memory access) or other hardware devices. Also, be sure to avoid IRQ and address conflicts between your multi-port adapter and other hardware devices. See your system administrator and multi-port adapter documentation for details. Choose to allow Remote Access to accept the port and add it to the Configuration list. Choose to return to the Add COM Port box. @ OK \ IHelp \ @0,2," This program determines your LAN Manager directory from the PATH environment variable. If there is an old version of LAN Manager installed, the PATH may refer to the old installation. This error is corrected when the computer is restarted. Inconsistency error correction is then possible. The LAN Manager and Connectivity Setup programs (such as Remote Access Setup) maintain a data file, SETUP.INI, that reflects the changes made to the system files. The contents of this file do not agree with what is in CONFIG.SYS. This program corrects the problem by removing Remote Access lines not in the SETUP.INI. If you have installed LAN Manager drivers, it may be necessary to delete the old driver lines by hand to fully correct all inconsistencies. This modification effectively disables your old LAN Manager installation. There is no Setup support for multiple LAN Manager or Remote Access installations. If you wish to maintain two versions of LAN Manager on your computer, it is best to create batch files that swap system configuration files. @ OK \ IWarning \ @0,2," Cannot read the SETUP.INF file. @ OK \ IWarning \ @0,2," Cannot read the PROTOCOL.INI file. @ OK \ IWarning \ @0,2," Improper version of, or corrupted, PROTOCOL.INI file. @ OK \ IWarning \ @0,2," Missing PROTOCOL.INI file. @ OK \ IWarning \ @0,2," Cannot save the CONFIG.SYS file. @ OK \ IWarning \ @0,2," Cannot save the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. @ OK \ IWarning \ @0,2," Cannot save the SYSTEM.INI file. @ OK \ IWarning \ @0,2," Cannot save the PROTOCOL.INI file. @ OK \ IWarning \ @0,2," Cannot save the WIN.INI file. @ OK \ IWarning \ @0,2," Internal Error %1. @ OK \ IWarning \ @0,2," The protocol: %1 has already been loaded as the first protocol making Remote Access the second protocol. Some older applications may not work properly with Remote Access as the second protocol, in which case, the first protocol must be removed before these applications will function properly. @ OK \ IWarning \ @0,2," You already have the maximum number of protocols installed. Remove one or more protocols and then install Remote Access. @ OK \ IWarning \ @0,2," Cannot bind Remote Access. @ OK \ IWarning \ @0,2," Cannot find network or Remote Access directory. @ OK \ IWarning \ @0,2," Corrupted NETWORK.INF or OEMRAS.INF file. @ OK \ IWarning \ @0,2," Unknown protocol. OEMRAS.INF is possibly missing or corrupted. @ OK \ IWarning \ @0,2," Cannot read the NETWORK.INF file. @ OK \ IWarning \ @0,2," Improper version of, or corrupted, NETWORK.INF file. @ OK \ IWarning \ @0,2," Cannot read the SYSTEM.INI file. @ OK \ IError \ @0,2," You must install Windows for Workgroups or MS-DOS Workgroup Connections before running this program. @ Exit \ IFatal Error \ @0,2," Remote Access Setup did not find your CONFIG.SYS file on your boot drive, possibly because your boot drive has been modified by a disk-compression utility. Copy CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT to your boot drive, run Remote Access Setup again, and then copy the files back to their original location. @ Exit \ IFatal Error \ @0,2," Remote Access Setup did not find your AUTOEXEC.BAT file on your boot drive, possibly because your boot drive has been modified by a disk-compression utility. Copy AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS to your boot drive, run Remote Access Setup again, and then copy the files back to their original location. @ Exit \ IRemote Access Configuration \ @1,2," Port Usage Modem", \ 1,0,"",58,9 \ @1,2," Port Modem", \ 1,0,"",58,9 \ @13,0,"" \ @1,2," Port Modem", \ 1,0,"",59,2 \ @7,2," LAN Manager drivers are configured. Planned use is:",1,0," Network adapter or modem, but not both at the same time Network adapter and modem at the same time",57,2 \ @12,0,"" \ @6,0,"" \ @5,0,"",1,2,1," Enable Remote Access" \ @ OK \ @~Add Port... \ @~Remove Port \ @Select ~Modem... \ @Port ~Settings... \ @ ~Exit \ @ Help \ IInstalling Files \ @0,0," Copying files from %2 files left to copy INext Diskette \ @0,3," Insert the diskette labelled in the drive shown or set the path to the root of the source directory [ ] @8,3,"Source path:",1,3,"",25 @ OK \ @ Exit \ @ Help \ IHelp \ @0,3," Insert the Remote Access floppy diskette matching the requested label in the drive shown in the Source Path field. To install from a network drive, set the Source Path to the network directory that contains the source tree of the requested floppy disk. Ask your system administrator. @ OK \ IConfirm Exit \ @0,3," Copied files will be deleted. Exit Setup anyway? @ No \ @ Yes \ @ Help \ IHelp \ @0,3," Pressing Yes will remove all files installed thus far to leave your computer in a consistent state. Pressing No will continue the installation. @ OK \ IStatus \ @0,3," Removing files... IStatus \ @0,3," Checking files... IError \ @0,3," Diskette name too large for display @ Exit \ IError \ @0,3," Count of files to copy too large for display @ Exit \ IError \ @0,3," Diskette name not defined @ Exit \ IError \ @0,3," Unable to create directory @ Exit \ I*** Error *** \ @1,0,"Diskette copy internal error" @ Exit \ IError \ @0,3," Error %2 while attempting to read file: %1 @ OK \ IError \ @0,3," Error %2 while attempting to write file: %1 @ OK \ IError \ @0,3," Error %2 while attempting to create file: %1 @ OK \ IError \ @0,3," Error %2 while attempting to decompress file: %1 @ OK \ IError \ @0,3," Out of memory @ OK \ IError \ @0,3," Missing or corrupt information file, SETUP.INF. @ OK \ IError \ @0,3," Unrecoverable error on drive %1 @ Retry \ @ Exit \ @ Help \ IHelp \ @0,3," The floppy diskette is defective. You will need to get a replacement before installation can be completed. @ OK \ IDummy Title \